How can digital teaching aids be designed in primary schools so that they are accepted by students and as much added value as possible is created?
Based on the hypothesis that successful digital teaching tools incorporate similar (playful) user experiences than the ones through which the learners are shaped in their free time, a minimum viable product was developed and tested.
Through the interactive processing of otherwise abstract content (in this case: «spatial imagination») Virtual Reality (VR) can be used for a better understanding of learning content.
The prototype includes a virtual 3D representation of the highest building in Zurich, the «Prime Tower» (126m), which the students know from physical experience. Also included are models of the Cheops Pyramid (138m), the Eiffel Tower (324m) as well as «Burj Khalifa» (828m) the currently tallest building on earth.
Contrary to «addiction to gaming», carefully designed and used digital teaching aids offer the opportunity to make students «addicted to learn».